Monday 29 April 2013

IKHLASH, bagian 2

Apabila seseorang muslim ingin betul-betul mendapatkan nilai tambah di hadapan Allah swt. begitu juga sebaliknya, maka jalan satu-satunya hanya dengan ikhlash, didalam melakukan kebaikan apa saja harus dengan motivasi yang baik dan hanya melihat Allah swt. baik perbuatan itu langsung terkait denganNya (shalat misalnya) atau dengan cara menolong orang lain.

Sunday 28 April 2013


Angkara Murka
Semua Negara, semua penguasa, semua ilmuan, semua aktivis hak azazi manusia bahkan semua tokoh agama dan semuanya menyerukan .....

Menolong Yang Kesulitan

Jangan hidup egois apalagi egosentris
Manusia disamping sebagai makhluk individu juga makhluk sosial, ia tidak bisa eksis tanpa adanya orang lain, oleh sebab itu antara sesama manusia harus saling tolong menolong, seseorang dilarang acuh terhadap kesulitan orang lain.

Saturday 27 April 2013

Hanya Taqwa Disisi Allah

Yang paling mulia disisi Allah swt. adalah yang paling BERTAQWA kepadaNya
Memang, manusia di dunia secara fisik terjadi banyak perbedaan, beda warna kulit, beda ras, beda keturunan, beda bahasa dan juga beda negara dan kebangsaan, akan tetapi menurut Tuhan.........

Hidup Hanya Untuk Uang

Hidup Matrealis
Hidup di Dunia Hanya Untuk Uang, berfoya-foya menuruti hawa nafsu dilarang oleh Islam, hidup di dunia haruslah bersikap transendental (berfikir 2 dimensi, apa dampak dari kehidupan di dunia terhadap kehidupan sesudah mati).

Larangan Membunuh

Hidup bersama di dunia tidak seperti kehidupan di hutan rimba, yang kuat berkuasa merajalela, sedangkan yang lemah selalu saja menjadi korban yang kuat. Sesama manusia dilarang keras saling bunuh tanpa sebab yang dibenarkan oleh Islam, tiga alasan yang dibolehkan (tapi harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah), Nabi saw. bersabda :

Thursday 25 April 2013


Islam entered Europe

In contrast to the advent of Islam to America, Islam entered Europe through the power of good fortune in the days of Umayyads, Walid Al Khali fah ¬ power at that time and is based in Damascus, mengirinkan troops to North Africa to hold a regional expansion. Mus bin Nusyair, Governor of Africa and sent Tariq bin Ziad led the army to conduct an assessment to Spain and it worked brilliantly without significant resistance. This was around the year 709 ADThen in 710, Tariq bin Ziad and his army consisting of the barbarian, and fewer repeat its mission Arabs sailed the Mediterranean Sea towards mainland Spain and successfully landed on the hill that later was named jabal Tariq (Gibraltar). Battle against the King of Spain (Roderick) lasts for eight days and was won by the forces of Islam, and Roderick fled with his loyal followers to the northwest.Toledo, and Granada followed Archidona be subjugated, ¬ dian Then Musa bin Nusyair followed to Spain, and with the assistance of Roderick who then join forces and help and shaman ¬ gan of the Spanish people were oppressed by Roderick, Pasu ¬ Islam can master Spanish, French and neighbors. Even then up to Skandanavia in the Balkan region and continue to enter Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and others such as Poland and Albania.Spain became part of the Umayyad Dynasty (sort Province) with a capital of Sevilla, with the Governor: Musa bin Nusyair, Abdul Aziz ibn Musa ibn Musyair, then replaced by Abdur Rahman As Saqafi, Al Samah bin Malik, who was then replaced by Abdur Rahman Al Ghafiqi ( died after a duel with swords against the French army commander hammer karel, in the cis ¬ Pran).Abdur Rahman Al Ghafiqi replaced by Yusuf Al Fiqri, who was the last governor Umayyad dynasty in Spain and beyond.When the Islamic government in the hands of Bani Abbasi ¬ yah dynasty, a descendant of the Umayyad dynasty is named Abdur Rahman ibn Mu'awiya ibn Hisham flee to Spain and establish the Caliphate in Spain, which is separate from the Abbasids in Damascus fortune. Abdur Rahman is well known for its success in Spain and earned the nickname Ad-Dakhil "the Conqueror".New Islamic government ended around the year 1492 or 1502, after about eight centuries more powerful, after merging of European kings who are Christians, especially the king of Spain and Portugal. 
Development of Islam in Europe

After the fall of Islamic army in Spain, then later marriages occurred between the Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen of Portugal, namely by Queen Elizabeth, in 1502. And after the wedding, the han ¬, both then formalize the elimination of all forms of the symbols of Islam in Spain and no longer allowed Muslims to settle and practice their faith in their empire, although the place closed. All the Muslims were expelled and forced to convert to Christianity or be rude. Should not there also people who use the name of Arab or Islamic. Then if there is a violation of the above prohibitions, then the penalty is beheading.Granada was the last area out of the hands of Islamic rule in Spain. This occurred in 1610, and continued with the expulsion of approximately 50,000 Muslims and Muslimat, should not be heading to the Muslims and should not bring lunch. Finally among those who died on the way there because of starvation or because the tortured journey.Eighth century, Spain was in the power of kings Islam, not a short time. This condition occurs because of the Islamic government does not treat Spain as a colony to be oppressed and restricted activity, Spain has a history of making even the most well throughout Europe in the Middle Ages.A lot of progress has been made at that time Muslims, which include:
  1. In the field of religion, delivered many great scholars who noted expert Hadith, Fiqh, Kalam Science and Science Tashawuf. Imam Al Auza'i is one of the leaders in the field of Fiqh, Ibn al-Arabi (figure Tashawuf).
  2. In the field of science and philosophy, recorded: Ibn Rushdi was a famous philosopher and expert in the field of med ¬ ment. Al Majriti of Cordova, Al Irqali of Toledo and Ibn Aflah of Sevilla, is a renowned expert Astronomy.
  3. In the field of architecture, Islam inherited the beautiful buildings and magnificent, which until now still can disaksi ¬ include Al Hamra Palace in Granada, the Mosque of Cordova, Ja'fariah Palace, Wall Toledo, Seville and the Palace Mosque Ma'mun AL.
Kings victory in Europe against the Islamic government in Spain, making them forget themselves and make Europe as colonists, who then develop your authority to the regions Muslim or Islamic kingdoms including Indonesia, which at that time still consisted of several Islamic Empire . Severed relations with the Islamic world, and just started again around the 18th century until now, after many Islamic countries or Muslim-majority region getting ¬ its independence from European colonizers.In the 18th century onwards, later known as Awakening century Muslims around the world, at this time many Muslims who come to Europe either as an immigrant or to study. Then known an Islamic organization called Young Muslim Association in Europa (YMAE), which is engaged in propaganda and social.Muslims began to flourish again and in Europe, but with the opposite condition when compared with the state of those who come to Europe some ten centuries ago.

Al Quran Tentang Pelestarian Alam

Al Qur'an mengajarkan bahwa keberadaan alam semesta harus dilestarikan dan tidak dirusak, karena jika tidak maka tentu akan ada bencana alam, sedangkan bencana alam pasti memiliki dampak negatif yang signifikan terhadap eksistensi alam itu sendiri termasuk didalamnya kehidupan manusia, dalam Al Qur'an surat Al An'am ayat 141 Allah swt . berfirman :

Wednesday 24 April 2013


a.         Kerjakan TTS ini, setiap 2 siswa 1 pekerjaan
b.        Hasil pekerjaan kirim lewat menu komentar, disertai nama lengkap, no absen dan kelas

















Mendatar                                                           B. Menurun
1. pendapat terbanyak                                       1. Pahalanya mengalir terus
5. malu/nama buruk                                           2. Nadhir/penerima wakaf
6. taman                                                             3. Binatang haram dimakan
8. kitab terakhir                                                  4. Berbakti kepada Allah swt
9. Jim fathah                                                      7. Perkataan Nabi saw
10. ummul Quran                                               9. Mengumpulkan shalat
12. huruf hijaiyah                                               11. Kelompok/suku bangsa
14. lemah ekonominya                                       12. Kebangkita
15. Ahli Agama                                                 13. Konf. Islam Asia Afrika
16. petunjuk Allah swt.

Tuesday 23 April 2013


a.         Kerjakan tugas ini, setiap 2 siswa 1 pekerjaan
b.        Hasil pekerjaan kirim lewat menu komentar, disertai nama lengkap, no absen dan kelas
  1. Jelaskan pengertian wakaf dengan menggunakan bahasa anda !
  2. Karena pertimbangan maslahatnya, maka wakaf menjadi sunat hukumnya. Jelaskan manfaat secara umum dari adanya wakaf !
  3. Tulislah Hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Majah tentang masalah amal manusia !
  4. Menurut hemat anda apakah maksud dari hadis tersebut di atas ?
  5. Apakah Mauquf alaih itu juga berarti pemilik dari harta yang telah diwakafkan ? Jelaskan alasan anda !
  6. Jelaskan secara singkat persyaratan mauquf [ harta yang diwa­kafkan ] !
  7. Menurut pendapat anda, bolehkah seseorang mewakafkan sejumlah uang ? Jelaskan alasannya !
  8. Bagaimanakah prosedur pengurusan perwakafan di Indonesia ?
  9. Apakah yang harus diperbuat bila ternyata barang wakafsudah tidak dapat dimanfaatkan lagi ? jelaskan !
  10. Jelaskan secara singkat peran KUA dalam tatacara perwakafan di Indonesia !
  11. Perhatikanlah pengertian wakaf, apakah ada perbedaan dan persamaannya dengan shadaqah biasa ? jelaskan !
  12. Mengapa harta yang diwakafkan tidak boleh dalam status sengketa ?